We Created a Video Course for Men to Overcome Early Ejaculation Struggles!
Mar 12, 2019
At the beginning of last year, I had a brilliant idea:
I want to create an online video course for clients who struggle with premature ejaculation.
After all, I’ve received calls from men all over the world who felt they were doomed to a life of “early release.” They tried it all -- the FDA compliant spray, topical numbing creams, Chinese herbal medicine -- with no lasting results.
I spent several years developing a unique, client-proven method to treat the underlying causes of premature ejaculation. A system that would treat and cure the condition.
While my system worked for the clients who walked through my door, I felt a calling to reach more people. To help them put their ejaculation control struggles behind them once and for all!
I had the tools; I simply needed to figure out how to present them.
So I set out on a mission: create an online course to treat early ejaculation naturally.
Over 8+ months of planning, a script (yes – I wrote an entire 85 page script by myself!) became a 12 Chapter series.
The next step was to turn the series into a video course that men could do at their own pace from the comfort of their own home.
My nerves.
That’s when the nerves started kicking in. As more people joined the project, I spent sleepless nights thinking to myself:
~ Would this actually be helpful to others?
~ Would I be able to hold it together on film day?
~ Would everyone show up?
~ Could I get my points across on camera?
I could not be more proud of myself to proclaim loudly here now ‘YES’.
YES, we completed the Premature Ejaculation Mastery Course project!
Yes – my Premature Ejaculation Mastery Course is going to help many, many people have more pleasurable sex while boosting their self-confidence.
Yes – I did hold it together on film day. Most of my crew didn’t even realize it was my first time filming something of this depth. They said they were “impressed.” Boy, did I eat that up!!
Yes – everyone showed up right on time, and in a great mood. Ready to work and make this the best production it could be.
Yes – I was able to get all my major points across on camera. Using the skills I gained over the last year about becoming an “actress” prepared me for my first onscreen appearance. Ok, maybe it’s a bit dramatic to call myself an actress, but I also learned about being a diva...a woman in control who gets things done!
The 12 Chapter Series for the Premature Ejaculation Mastery Class is more incredible than I could have ever dreamed.
Without a doubt, on film day I was nervous as they come. Over the course of the first day, as Chapter after Chapter started to come together, I realized the importance of what we were doing.
People were going to have access to the years of information I have gathered from working with 100’s if not 1,000 of clients. People who I will probably never meet in person will get to leave the embarrassment of early ejaculation in the past and move forward in their lives.
With the help of my speaking team, I was ready for my on camera debut:
Here are the people who brought my vision to life:
Barbara Abel from Brooklyn took on the role of my on-camera media coach. Thank goodness for her! I had a long way to go before I was ready for “the camera.” Barbara held my hand and guided me every step of the way. She helped me realize that my vulnerability on camera is what connected me with the audience on a personal and emotional level. She also became one of my favorite people in the world for keeping me together through all the ups and downs. Thank you, Barbara!!
Ben Cristou became my public speaking coach. He took on the huge task of bringing out my inner voice, while teaching me how to be a commanding and effective speaker. Ben took on this task with a big smile on his face the whole time. Thank you Ben for encouraging me to step into the role of entertainer, as well as educator, and believing in the importance of my mission!
My film crew killed it!
A huge thank you to Sally Hansen, my amazing producer for making everything happen. You are a “behind-the-scenes rock star.”
The shots are incredible, the sound is perfect!
Yes, the 2 days of filming were memorable because of what we created, and how it will help people all over the world. But they were also fun!
Turns out, film people really know how to have a good time!
The pink dildo that was hanging around the set also added to some playful fun times!

Of course, we can’t forget my hair and makeup folks ~
Heather Bettencourt, thank you for waking up at 4 AM and driving through the deepest fog I have ever seen in Sonoma County. You made me look and feel super sexy, and “ready for my close-up.” You’re the best!
To my family, chosen family and friends:
None of this project could have been possible without every single one of you.
You supported me and lifted me up when I was no longer able to do it myself.
Thank you for helping me turn my vision into a full-fledged course!
In hindsight, this was a pretty crazy idea, even for me. I really had no idea what I was getting into in terms of time, energy and vulnerability.
As crazy as it was, I had SO much fun!
I learned a lot about filming, myself, and how to be better prepared for the next course. That’s right, I’m super excited and empowered to help even more people achieve the sex lives and relationships they want and deserve!
All of the hard work, sleepless nights, crying (yes, there was crying) were 100% worth it.
I could not be more proud to be offering this course to the public.
To check out my Premature Ejaculation Mastery Course, Click Here.
To continue my mission of educating the world, I would love to learn what courses you need and want. ClickHERE to take a quick survey and tell me what you would like to learn about.
Learn about the ideas I already have in the mix HERE.
I look forward to changing and improving your lives with more online courses. See you soon, and thank you for your continued love and support!
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